Episode 'American Idol' Season 10, Episode 29 - 'Bruno Mars Performs, 1 of 6 Voted Off' Recap

Episode  'American Idol' Season 10, Episode 29 - 'Bruno Mars Performs, 1 of 6 Voted Off' Recap It's down to the Top 6, and by the end of the night it will be down to the Top 5. But let's not pay any attention to them, let's talk about Steven Tyler and his magazine covers.

The Idols showed up at the British consulate for "Brit Week" in honor of the royal wedding. Eric Idle keeps looking at the Idols like they're aliens, but Fred Willard gets friendly with the young singers.

The six do a group number, "One Fine Day," and it's...well, it's completely unbearable. "One Obnoxious Day" is more like it. Then there's a switch, and Scotty has a harem. Creepy. Ah, we're dealing with a medley here. Fantastic.

Phew. That's over.

On to the Ford Music Video, in which the Idols perform "Our House." Yeah, that's a real singer's song. What is going on today? Anyway, buy a Ford Focus.

Before we get to the first results, Crystal Bowersox is here to perform. Last year's runner-up still has those dreadlocks. Sure, she sings great, but she kinda looks like she smells bad, doesn't she?

The next segment has the Idols answering some fan questions. Casey says that if he could do a duet with anyone, he'd do one with Oscar Peterson. Nobody in the audience knows who Oscar Peterson is. Jacob talks about singing the soprano, alto, and tenor parts of songs when he was seven, and Lauren talks about missing friends and family, noting that her family had a close call with the tornado.

Scotty talks about his pre-Idol jobs, which included working at a grocery store and a tanning salon. James is asked if he played with a band, which he says he did. Riveting. Finally, Haley mentions that Adam Lambert and Kelly Clarkson and pretty much every Idol finalist ever was her favorite.

First Results:

Haley is the first one on stage. Jimmy agrees that Haley might have the best voice in the competition, but isn't quite sure who she is yet. He says that if she goes home tonight, that will be why...but it turns out she won't have to worry about it. Haley is safe.

Scotty is next, and we hear all the positive feedback from the judges. Let's get Jimmy up there so we can hear someone give some real feedback. Jimmy says that Scotty's strength is in his subtleties, but subtleties can be lost in this environment. Scotty gets Seacrested, and has to sit back down and wait.

Lauren's up now while Scotty marinates. Jimmy says that Lauren only hears the negative in feedback and needs confidence to be the unstoppable force she could be. He predicts she's here to stay...but we'll find out later. She gets Seacrested too. Good lord, man, read some results!

Casey is called up, and we recap his scalp-itch-inducing performance. Jimmy notes that Casey's growl was a little out of control: "he needs to know that the family dog doesn't vote." Casey sits back down. So...basically, we know that Haley is safe, and we know nothing else. Segment well spent. Thanks Seacrest.

James is up now, will we actually find out if he's safe or not? YES. James is safe. This is how results are supposed to work, i.e. we get RESULTS.

Jacob is the last one called up, and we get a recap of his tail-shaking performance. Jimmy says that on "American Idol," you have to have the whole package. He says Jacob is on banana peel status.

The unsafe four are called up, and Lauren is indeed safe. The bottom three, then, are Jacob, Casey and Scotty.

Before we find out the results, though, Bruno Mars is here to sing "The Lazy Song." It comes complete with a lazy dog. Look at that dog...he totally chillin. Is he alive? Also, it's great to see today's artists providing the world with important messages in their lyrics. Nothing tells a story like "today I'm not doing anything." It's the musical equivalent of asking someone how their day was, and them responding "Oh, fine."

Final Results:

The bottom three await the results, and surprisingly Jacob is safe. That leaves just Casey and Scotty...and Casey Abrams is the one to go. That's a shame. We'll miss him and his melodica. He goes out with "I Put A Spell On You," and this time Steven gets a kiss on the cheek...as does just about every woman in the front row of the audience. And if you check your DVR you'll watch him totally leave on audience member hanging on a high five. Lolz.