Emmy Rossum Quits 'Shameless'

Emmy Rossum Quits 'Shameless'

Emmy Rossum's performance on Showtime's Shameless has been the most-praised aspect of the show, but all good things must end. Rossum announced this week that she's leaving the series. Read on for details.

Via Us Weekly.

Saying goodbye to Fiona Gallagher. Emmy Rossum shared a long statement on Facebook on Thursday, August 30, to reveal that she’s leaving Shameless. Sharing a photo with the cast, she got emotional, writing that it’s hard to put all her feelings into words.

Official statements regarding @Emmy Rossum and #Shameless. Link in bio.

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“This business is always an adventure, full of travel and opportunities to tell stories. Usually as an actor, every few months, you travel to a new place, start a new project, build a new character, learn new rhythms, new inside jokes with your crew, make new friends,” the 31-year-old wrote. “Until Shameless came into my life 8 years ago, I led that kind of transient wonderful life of an actor. And I never realized how much I actually craved the kind of continuity that this show has given me. And given all of us in the crew. Season after season I’m amazed that our same crew comes back. And it’s not just because it’s a wonderfully written, wonderfully layered show. There are these real connections, real friendships that bring us back season after season after season.”

She added that the cast has only become a family over the past eight years and that playing Fiona “has been a gift.”

“Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become truly good at something. To become world class. Well by my calculation, 100 episodes, 7 days per episode (plus Chicago weeks), 12 hour days, we’re just at about 10,000 hours. So I guess we’re finally good at this. I can say for certain that this cast and crew, who I’ve been have truly honored to work alongside, are world class. I am proud and I’m filled with gratitude,” she wrapped up. “I know you will continue on without me, for now. There is much more Gallagher story to be told. I will always be rooting for my family. Try not to think of me as gone, just think of me as moving down the block.”

Get the rest of the story at Us Weekly.

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