Emily Maynard Officially The New 'Bachelorette'

Emily Maynard The Bachelorette Oh, we're sorry, Chris Harrison and Emily Maynard. Do go on. You were saying? "Something, something, something, not the next 'Bachelorette,' something, something?"

Know when the moment was when everybody should've probably guessed Emily Maynard would be the next centerpiece of ABC's "The Bachelorette?" The exact moment last season when both she and host Chris Harrison pretty emphatically denied she wouldn't be.

Harrison made it official during a "Good Morning America" segment Tuesday morning: former "Bachelor" bride-seeker Brad Womack's ex will take every tear she drizzled during that weepy special interview last season and parlay them into finding herself an all-new shoulder to cry on from 25 of America's most eligible bachelors. The mother of a six-year-old daughter will be the show's first single-mom contestant, according to The Huffington Post.

Though Maynard won Brad Womack's heart and final rose on Season 15 of "The Bachelor" - Womack's second go-round after previously becoming the first bachelor to ever ditch both his final two choices - the pair had a very public split in June 2011. In a weepy prime-time tell-all with Harrison shot during Ashley Hebert's 2011 manhunt, Maynard said the tabloid's brutal microscopes combined with concerns about how the attention might impact her daughter ultimately doomed the relationship.

"I didn't doubt that we loved each other," Maynard said during the July 13 segment. "I just doubted that he was still going to want to be with me."

Maynard later also told "Bachelor Pad" winner David Good via Twitter, "I don't want to be 'The Bachelorette.'"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a conspicuous saying about doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result?

The hypocrisy is worth pointing out, but not calling "surprising." It's pretty apparent that interview was designed to do precious little more than generate the same talk that had multiple outlets reporting Jan. 18 that Maynard and ABC had struck a done-deal.

That being said, if what Maynard said about how the tabloid attention impacted her daughter Ricki has any truth to it, then she's far less than an admirable human being. It's one thing when a person chooses a course of action knowing how badly it might (and probably will) hurt that person in the end. It's another to choose it knowing there's a better than fifty-fifty chance it will only bring stress upon someone else - especially when it's happened before.