Elmo Accused of Sexual Abuse... UPDATE

Elmo Accused of Sexual Abuse... UPDATE Well here’s news I never wanted to report.

Kevin Clash, who has been the voice of Elmo since the 1980’s, is taking a leave of absence from “Sesame Street” following allegations that Clash engaged in a sexual relationship with a 16-year old.

The accuser, who is now 23, claims that he had a relationship with Clash seven years ago. According to Clash, however, who is not denying that he was involved with the man, the two weren’t an item until the accuser was of legal age.

 "I am a gay man. I have never been ashamed of this or tried to hide it, but felt it was a personal and private matter. I had a relationship with the accuser,” Clash says.

“It was between two consenting adults and I am deeply saddened that he is trying to characterize it as something other than what it was. I am taking a break from Sesame Workshop to deal with this false and defamatory allegation."

“Sesame Street” has responded to the allegations with support for Clash. The accuser reportedly met with “Sesame Street” personnel several times, but those responsible at the beloved children’s show did not feel that the man was able to provide enough evidence to support his claim, although Clash had clearly violated certain company policies, and was reprimanded. However the relationship was held out of the office.

The accuser then turned to the lawyers who defended victims of Jerry Sandusky, stirring things up.

“Sesame Street” denies any negligence in the case. "We took the allegation very seriously and took immediate action. We met with the accuser twice and had repeated communications with him. We met with Kevin, who denied the accusation. We also conducted a thorough investigation and found the allegation of underage conduct to be unsubstantiated. Although this was a personal relationship unrelated to the workplace, our investigation did reveal that Kevin exercised poor judgment and violated company policy regarding Internet usage and he was disciplined."

"Kevin insists that the allegation of underage conduct is false and defamatory and he is taking actions to protect his reputation. We have granted him a leave of absence to do so."

Was Mitt Romney right??


Clash's accuser has dropped charges, saying he "wants it to be known that his sexual relationship with Mr. Clash was an adult consensual relationship. He will have no further comment on the matter."

Elmo sooo happy!!