Ellen Barkin Blasts Bret Easton Ellis

Ellen Barkin Blasts Bret Easton Ellis Screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis just lurves attention—positive, negative, Lindsay Lohan… he’ll take it.

But did the controversial Twitter addict go too far with his comment about “Zero Dark Thirty” screenwriter Katheryn Bigelow?

Ellis tweeted: “Kathryn Bigelow would be considered a mildly interesting filmmaker if she was a man but since she’s a very hot woman she’s really overrated.”

Honestly, I think this is as close to Ellis can come to complimenting someone beside LiLo.

His comment, like so many of his comments, ruffled feathers. The best reply came from “The New Normal” actress Ellen Barkin, who shot back, “& if u were a ‘very hot woman’ youd still be a shit writer. Say TY to Mary Harron. That MOVIE was the best book u ever wrote.”

Mary Harron, it should be noted, took Ellis’ book and made it into the successful film “American Psycho.”

Nice follow-ups came from “Prometheus” executive director Damon Lindelof, who tweeted “I would be so much more successful if I was hot. #BretEastonEllisIsAnEffingMoron.”

“Life as We Know It” actor Kumail Nanjiani also took offense.

“Yeah @BretEastonEllis, women have it super easy. Good someone finally spoke up about all the advantages they have in society.”

Ellis stirred up a lot of hate not long ago by posting a bombardment of annoyed posts regarding the possible casting of openly gay actor Matt Bomer in the not-yet-developed “50 Shades of Grey” adaptation.

This, by the way, is the authorial genius who brings you the sweeping epic “The Canyons,” whose trailer alone makes one cringe.

What do you think--is Ellis just trying to get some attention with his sexist comments, or is this a true candidate for having Twitter privileges revoked?