An Egg is More Popular Than Kylie Jenner on Instagram

An Egg is More Popular Than Kylie Jenner on Instagram

Kylie Jenner has raked in a fortune thanks to her popularity on Instagram. But this week, Instagram proved that a picture of an egg can be even more popular. Look for egg-endorsed products to flood your feed soon. Read on for details.

Via Deadline.

UPDATE:  The incredible, edible egg now has more than 20 million Instagram likes, blowing away the record previously held by Kylie Jenner.

EARLIER: Move over, Kylie Jenner. There’s going to be a new Instagram champion for likes, and it’s not even human.

A photo of an egg – yes, an egg – is set to top the previous Instagram record set by Jenner, who held the world record for the most-liked Instagram photo of all-time with her photo of her new daughter, Stormi Webster.

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The Egg now has more than 17 million likes, close to toppingJenner’s 18 million, and its support is mushrooming as viral awareness kicks in. An Instagram account by “EGG GANG” is behind the movement. The account was opened Jan. 4 with a mission to become the most-liked post on Instagram.

The Instagram page world_record_egg urges participants on. “Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram.” It name checks Jenner and says, “We got this” and users the hashtags #LikeTheEgg #EggSoldiers and #EggGang.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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