Eager 'Twilight' Fans Create a 'Breaking Dawn' Tent City for Tonight's Hollywood Premiere

Think you're looking forward to "Breaking Dawn"?

There are a few Twi-hards in L.A. that are taking that kind of enthusiasm to a whole new level. Starting November 10th in L.A., when line tickets for the Hollywood premiere were released, fans in the area have formed a tent city, camping out for days in order to get great seats for the first U.S. screening of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" this evening.

Besides the opportunity to chat with other mega-obsessed "Breaking Dawn" fans, the days-long wait has apparently already paid off for fans.

According to HollywoodLife.com,"'Breaking Dawn' author Stephenie Meyer showed up to hand out autographed copies of the book. Stars Kellan Lutz, Tinsel Korey and Kiowa GordonĀ also stopped by to hang out with fans and take pics."

Meyer told USA Today she was pretty blown away by the dedication of the fans.

"There's not much I would sleep out on the street for. These people are pretty hardcore. The fact that even one person camps out for this is unbelievable to me."

Lutz, reportedly brought the entire crowd assembled outside the premiere donuts (though there's rumors he was unable to actually hand them out in person due to security concerns), and Yahoo! has set up a lounge where fans can see Bella's wedding dress and wedding cake, and pose for pictures in a wedding altar modeled after the "Breaking Dawn" wedding.

Summit Entertainment has also erected a sheltered are to help assure the safety of some of the nuttiest movie fanatics in the world.

Check out fan footage below of all the "Twilight" tent city madness: