Donald Trump Says Stephen Colbert Has No Talent

Donald Trump Says Stephen Colbert Has No Talent

President Donald Trump on Thursday lashed out against Stephen Colbert and other members of the media during an interview with Time magazine.

Trump has been the butt of most jokes by late night hosts since taking office in January, but recently, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert's Colbert has received attention for his criticism of the former reality TV star after he made what some called a homophobic remark while talking about Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"There's nothing funny about what he says," Trump told Time about the "no-talent" CBS host. "And what he says is filthy. And you have kids watching. And it only builds up my base. It only helps me, people like him. The guy was dying. By the way they were going to take him off television, then he started attacking me and he started doing better. But his show was dying. I’ve done his show. … But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high highest rating. The highest rating he’s ever had."

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Stephen Colbert is an alumnus of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.