Donald Trump Isn't Welcome on Ellen's Show

Donald Trump Isn't Welcome on Ellen's Show

The Obamas were frequent guests on Ellen DeGeneres' eponymous daytime talk-show, with former First Lady Michelle Obama even making a memorable outing with DeGeneres to CVS in the waning days of her husband's presidency.

The first couple also danced, an Ellen tradition, during their appearances. But don't expect to see Trump cutting a rug or sitting down for an interview on Ellen anytime soon.

Speaking with Matt Lauer in an interview that aired on NBC's Today on Friday, DeGeneres said "no" when Lauer asked if she'd want to have Trump on her program.

When Lauer pressed her as to why she wouldn't want to sit down with the president of the United States, she said, "Because I'm not going to change his mind. He's against everything that I stand for. We need to look at someone else who looks different than us and believes in something that we don't believe in and still accept them and still let them have their rights."

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Ellen DeGeneres is host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.