Donald Trump Campaign Paid Actors $50 to Cheer At Presidential Announcement

Donald Trump Campaign Paid Actors $50 to Cheer At Presidential Announcement

Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" may be praising Donald Trump's presidential campaign announcement for making his job easier, but he's not the only one who was happy about it this week.

An email sent last Friday by Extra Mile Casting in New York reveals that the casting agency put out a call for background actors to come to the campaign announcement and cheer for Trump in the absence of any actual supporters.

The email asked for actors to show up, wear t-shirts and wave signs supporting the "Celebrity Apprentice" star during the announcement, for which they would be compensated $50. However, the email didn't give away what Trump's "exciting announcement" would be, and just called it an event titled "People for a Stronger America."

"We understand this is not a traditional 'background job,' but we believe acting comes in all forms," the email read. Indeed, acting like you're excited at the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House definitely takes a great deal of acting skill.

In the Trump campaign's defense, $50 for a few hours of work is a decent rate as far as background work goes, and Trump has already fulfilled his campaign promise of creating jobs.

The full email is below:

"Hi there—
We are working helping one of are associates out at Gotham GR - with a big event happening on TUESDAY 6/16/15. 
This is an event in support of Donald Trump and an upcoming exciting announcement he will be making at this event.   
This event is called “People for a Stronger America.” The entire group is a pro-small business group that is dedicated to encouraging Donald Trump and his latest ventures.  This event will be televised.   
We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement.  
We understand this is not a traditional “background job,” but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought. 
This event is happening LIVE and will be from 8:45AM-11:30AM. LESS THAN 3 HOURS 
This will take place inside / interior.  
The rate for this is: $50 CASH at the end of the event. 
We would love to book you if you are interested and still available. 
Please let us know and we will get back to you with confirmation."