Does '13 Reasons Why' Glorify Suicide?

Does '13 Reasons Why' Glorify Suicide?

For as much as Netflix's 13 Reasons Why has been praised for raising awareness about teen suicide, the drama has been equally criticized for its graphic depiction of the suicide at the center of the series.

The drama, created by Brian Yorkey and based on the book by Jay Asher, revolves around Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) who explains her decision to commit suicide in a series of cassette tapes offering an explanation about why she opted to end her life. In addition to exploring teen suicide, the series also puts a spotlight on bullying and sexual assault.

Writer Nic Sheff, in a deeply personal guest column for Vanity Fair published Wednesday, defended the show's decision to depict Hannah's graphic suicide in detail. Sheff revealed how his own suicide attempt played into the show and why writers and producers including Selena Gomez opted to feature the jarring scene in the series aimed at young adult viewers.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Katherine Langford has also appeared in Daughter and Imperfect Quadrant.