Do-Over! Playboy Wants Second Shot At Lindsay Lohan Nudes

Chalk up one more Lindsay Lohan endeavor that has clearly not worked out as she'd probably hoped.

So the "Mean Girls" and "Freaky Friday" troubled actress and recovering addict gets her 30-day jail time she'll be serving for violating her probation deferred so that she could take Playboy up on a $1-million offer to go more starkers than ever before.

She finished the shoot, but no sooner was she probably frantically trying to look up the jail's "wardrobe" department to give them her measurements for something in a Day-Glo orange hue - it is fall, after all - than a little problem arose.

Her nude layout didn't exactly pass Hef's muster.

No less than LiLo's own manic mama Dina has confirmed that Lindsay will be reshooting her big pictorial because higher-ups weren't crazy about her initial pics, "sources" told Perez Hilton.

“Lindsay was told that the Playboy executives wanted to go another direction with her shoot so they asked her to come back for a second time," the unnamed source explained. "The first pictures of Lindsay weren’t exactly what they wanted so they have a new theme that they want to shoot … There is never a guarantee that everyone will like the photos or that they will be of high enough quality to use for the cover but Playboy wanted to make sure that Lindsay’s pictures were exactly what they wanted."

Wow. So, where to even begin?

First off, it's rare that anyone exactly springs to Lindsay's defense, but for embarrassment's sake, would someone please muzzle Dina?! How embarrassing has that got to be for one's mother to talk to the press about how people really weren't satisfied with one's nude photos?

"It was an opportunity for her and she's done thousands and thousands of covers, so this was just something…she's 25 now. It was just something that was her decision…we have a contractual say in how far it goes and her and Mr. Hefner will decide … She'll pick five covers, he'll pick the one, but she has a say. I don't want to get into the contract, but it will be tastefully done," she told the U.K. Daily Mail.

How awkward must that be, to have the undisputed 17th-Dan airbrush-fu black-belts tell you "We gave up. We just can't give you something passable from these. Do-over!"

Think of this, also: it's a poetic moment of reflection for some right before they go to jail. They think about what they've done wrong. They start thinking about how they'll change their lives after they get out. If Lohan ever has kids, she'll be telling them that she spent that moment of reflection taking her clothes off because someone promised her $1 million.

Think also about how the Playboy mystique has clearly lost its lustre. I still remember when the magazine's photographers shooting a famous face nude was something that often made waves and generated controversy, but beneath what a taboo some considered it, there was also a certain prestige.

After all, contemporary beauties like Cindy Crawford and Katarina Witt could be named alongside a legacy of tasteful celebration of the female figure that included icons of glowing sexuality like Bettie Page and the original Playmate, Marilyn Monroe. Sure, there were some celebrities like Drew Barrymore who capitalized on a then-wild and untamed image (and a pre-breast reduction curvaceousness) but even they viewed it as capturing youth's fleeting beauty forever.

Now? Well, with free internet porn so prevalent, Playboy has somewhat of a "What's the point?" tag among consumers of feminine flesh. It probably doesn't help that the ship of wanting to see Lindsay Lohan naked sailed a long time ago, before her inability to simply not get arrested made her more than a bit of a joke-butt.

Call it an inappropriate time for some Dylan if you must, but the times, they are a-changin' . . .