Discovery Channel Producing 'Instamentary' on Bin Laden Death; ABC Releases Footage From Compound (Video)

Swinging into action faster than The Rock, who was reportedly tweeting about the Bin Laden killing well before most major media outlets even knew what was up, The Discovery Channel is reportedly producing an hour long "instamentary" exploring the details behind the U.S. mission to take out the notorious terrorist.

"We want to bring as much added context and in-depth historical insight to the story as we can," Discovery president and general manager Clark Bunting told NY Mag's Vulture.

The documentary will doubtlessly include the footage released by ABC News today showing the inside of what's being called Bin Laden's "mansion." The footage (and accompanying pictures) show blood splatters, presumably from where U.S. forces shot Bin Laden in the face.

The quickly-produced film will air May 15th at 10 p.m.

Watch the video footage from inside Osama Bin Laden's compound:

Check out AP photos from inside the compound: