Disappointing News For 'Sherlock' Fans

Disappointing News For 'Sherlock' Fans Bad news for fans of the BBC hit “Sherlock.”

Don’t expect to see a season three anytime soon. In fact, don’t worry about setting your DVR for about a year.

Apparently, because stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, who play Sherlock Holmes and his faithful, witty sidekick, John Watson, both are busy with, like… other projects, go figure... production, which was supposed to begin in January, has been postponed until March.

I guess this means we need to blame “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” and “Star Trek 2” for stealing them away from us.

That means that by the time all is said and done, new episodes might not be trickling their way over the pond until early 2014.

This has fans of the show understandably disappointed, although BBC continues to shrug its shoulders and not care (a few months to them isn’t the end of the world, but a whole year to American fans? Horrid). PBS, who airs the show over here, has to wait until BBC has had its run before they can bring us Yanks any more episodes.

The show, which has been astonishingly successful though only airing three 90-minute episodes per season, has garnered a true fan following.

Can those devoted to the piercing-eyed Cumberbatch and loveable Freeman (when will Watson find the perfect woman??) settle for the somewhat altered and roughed-up American Sherlock Holmes, “Elementary,” which features Lucy Liu and Johnny Lee Miller?

What do you think, “Sherlock” groupies? Though the seasons can be found via Netflix and other venues, will a year of watching and re-watching reruns deplete you of your “Sherlock” hankerings come 2014?