'Dirty Dancing''s Katey Sagal Reveals Her Favorite Beatle

'Dirty Dancing''s Katey Sagal Reveals Her Favorite Beatle

Oh baby! Katey Sagal proves nobody puts her in the corner with 25 things you might not know about her. The 63-year-old actress stars in ABC's Dirty Dancing, airing Wednesday, May 24, at 8 p.m. ET.

1. The biggest misconception about me is that I'm bigger than life. I'm actually quite shy and private.

2. My pet peeves are people who tailgate and people throwing cigarettes out their car window. I tend to chase them down.

3. I like to knit and do needlepoint, but I very rarely finish anything.

4. When I was a kid, George Harrison was my favorite Beatle. I got so hysterical at a concert the police had to escort me home. I was 11.

5. I have little tolerance for indecisiveness.

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Katey Sagal also appeared in Sons of Anarchy and Lost.