Did Taylor Swift Throw Subtle Shade at Katy Perry in New 'Blank Space' Music Video?

Did Taylor Swift Throw Subtle Shade at Katy Perry in New 'Blank Space' Music Video? Taylor Swift's new album is getting overwhelming positive reviews from critics and fans, and part of it might be because she's focusing less on ex-boyfriends...but is she taking shots at mean girls instead?

The music video for Swift's newest single, "Blank Space," has leaked online a day early after Yahoo inadvertently posted the video prematurely. The video was set for a Tuesday release, but Yahoo posted today instead, quickly removing the video once they realized their error.

However, fan-uploaded versions are already up everywhere, so if you want to see the latest Swift masterpiece, you can.

It's a well made video, continuing Swift's trend of being in on the jokes about herself. In the song, she admits that she has "a long list of ex-lovers" who will "tell you I'm insane," and sure enough, the video has her falling quickly in love with a handsome, wealthy man and subsequently growing jealous and wrecking all his stuff.

It's mostly devoid of any references to specific men from Taylor's life, with the possible exception of Conor Kennedy, if only for the very old-money visuals of the large mansion, horseback riding, and so on. However, there seems to be a possible reference to a woman from Taylor's life.

At one point in the video, Taylor takes a pair of scissor's to her lover's clothes, and the reveal is that she's cut out the nipples of his shirt in the "Mean Girls" style (that was one of Janice Ian's attempts at sabotage of Regina George).

So, what does this have to do with Katy Perry? Well, a while back, there were rumors that Taylor Swift and Katy Perry were not so friendly. Swift gave an interview and talked about how another high-powered female artist, who went unnamed, got on her bad side.

"For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not," Swift said. "She would come up to me at awards shows and say something and walk away, and I would think, 'Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?'… She did something so horrible. I was like, 'Oh, we're just straight-up enemies.' And it wasn't even about a guy! It had to do with business. She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under me. And I'm surprisingly non-confrontational — you would not believe how much I hate conflict. So now I have to avoid her. It's awkward, and I don't like it."

After that, Perry tweeted out a cryptic message: "Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing," she said, many assuming she meant Swift.

Is the moment in the video Swift's subtle nod to the feud, and her way of indirectly confirming that Perry is indeed the "straight-up enemy?" Quite possibly. We're interested to see if Swift does a video for "Bad Blood," another potential single off her new album that is reportedly about that very feud.