Did 'Saturday Night Live' Shame Netflix Into Canning Qwikster?

Did 'Saturday Night Live' Shame Netflix Into Canning Qwikster? Any publicity is good publicity, the saying goes, and in this case, publicity (from "Saturday Night Live") may have been good for consumers.

A week after an unaired sketch from the show went viral, making spot-on fun of Netflix and CEO Reed Hasting's recent, somewhat confusing announcement that they would be separating their streaming and DVD services and renaming the DVD service Qwikster, the company has announced that Qwikster will not be happening after all.

This is good news for users, who (as the sketch points out) have generally found the new service split and renaming confusing and frankly, pretty annoying.

Of course, this doesn't change the pricing structure changes that have proven equally unpopular with customers, but it does prove that Netflix, which has made some great recent content acquisitions, including the recent addition of "The Walking Dead" and "Mad Men" to the streaming service, is capable of listening to its customers and admitting when it has made a mistake.

To be fair, the company may also have simply be listening to its shareholders, who found the service split just as odd and dismaying as consumers. Shares jumped 7% in early trading on news of Qwikster's early (qwik?) demise.

In other news, the company also announced it will not be launching Qwikster, Kwickster or Nutflix (the mail order unsalted nuts company), but that it does still support the watching of "Ruthless People."

Watch the "Saturday Night Live" sketch that may have saved us all a lot of hassle: