Where Did Megyn Kelly Go?

Where Did Megyn Kelly Go?

A day after Megyn Kelly went off on a bizarre on-air personal tirade against Jane Fonda, the live version of her show was replaced with a pre-taped segment. NBC says it had always planned to run the segment on Tuesday, but it certainly looked odd for Kelly to disappear from the network immediately after launching into the personal attack. Some observers think that Kelly is locked in a battle with NBC execs as she attempts to migrate her fiery conservative style from the right-leaning Fox News to the more mainstream network.

Via Page Six.

Megyn Kelly‘s live ​”Today” show hour was replaced with a pre-taped segment Tuesday morning — one day after she ripped into actress Jane Fonda on-air.

NBC aired the pre-taped episode ​on sex trafficking ​during Kelly’s ​9 a.m. ​hour despite ​the announcement o​f this year’s Oscar nominations, a ratings booster that ​the “Today”​ show typically ​uses to discuss the nominees.

The sex trafficking​ segment​ came on the heels of a tirade in which Kelly lit into the 80-year-old actress over her controversial anti-Vietnam War activism, saying vets still call her “Hanoi Jane.”

Kelly had been feuding with Fonda after the actress snapped at her over an on-air question about what plastic surgery she had had.

But an NBC source ​told the Daily Mail​ ​that the network had planned to air the pre-taped segment since last week.

“It’s a sensitive topic best handled on tape,” the source to the Daily Mail. “Today” has run pre-taped interviews with sex trafficking victims in the past, the paper reported.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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