Did Kris Jenner Beat And Neglect Her Children?

Did Kris Jenner Beat And Neglect Her Children? Kim Kardashian is fighting back against her father’s widow, who is claiming that Kim’s mother and “Keeping Up with The Kardashians” keystone, Kris Jenner, was negligent and abusive to her children.

The widow, Ellen Kardashian, has given private journals to In Touch, claiming that they are the handiwork of her late husband… the father of Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, and Robert.

“These are authentic handwritten journals I have shared, that my late husband Robert Kardashian so carefully wrote during 1989 and 1990 at a most trying and touching time of his life,” Ellen told the magazine. “They are my personal possessions and he left them to me on his passing."

Notable quotes, if true, certainly paint Kris Jenner in an unflattering light.

 “Kris was kicking and beating her and said she was going to kill [Kim]!” the magazine quotes a diary entry dated August 24, 1989. “Kim was hysterical.”

The diaries also discuss Jenner’s affair with soccer player Todd Waterman, which Jenner herself openly admitted in her memoir, Kris Jenner… And All Things Kardashian.

“She doesn’t leave a number in case of emergency. She doesn’t care! She left [the] kids and screwed all night!” says the journal.

There is also an entry from Christmas, where "Kris couldn't get her act together" and went off with her lover while Robert "was home alone with 4 kids."

However Jenner, her spokespeople and her family are crying foul.

'We have no knowledge of these diaries existing and these accusations are ridiculous and not true,” said her representatives in a statement.

Ellen and Robert Kardashian, the infamous lawyer who defended OJ Simpson, dated six years, but married only two months before his death in 2003. Ellen has also previously announced that Khloe Kardashian was not Robert’s biological daughter.

Kim Kardashian blasted Ellen on her Twitter.

“10 yrs since dad passed &this woman he married 4 2 wks before he died needs 2 get a job instead of trying 2 destroy families w fake stories,” the pregnant personality tweeted.

“So my dad's ex is selling ridiculous stories again to tabloids! Do not believe it! Sad when people need $ & get desperate.”

“PS that story that my mom beat me & threatened to kill me hahahhahaha! I'd beat her! JK truly laughable!”