'Dexter' Season 7, Episode 4 - 'Run' Recap

'Dexter'  Season 7, Episode 4 - 'Run' Recap Is Deb finally on Dexter's side with the whole murdering bad guys in creative ways and disposing of the bodies thing? Thanks to Ray Speltzer, quite possibly.

As the episode begins, Speltzer is still on the loose, but Miami Metro quickly catches up to him and brings him in. Deb, using some creative "your mother is a whore" techniques, gets a (rather unrealistic) confession out of Speltzer. But a loophole in the system sets him free: he never acknowledged his Miranda rights, so the judge in his case tossed his confession.

That understandably upsets Deb, but not so much that she's ready for Dexter to kill him. Instead, she's ramping up her argument against Dexter's dark passenger: a strange dream that has her almost drowning in a bathtub filled with blood (a literal blood bath!) gets her thinking about Rita, and she gets the truth from Dexter about how and why she died. Deb correctly deduces that it was Dexter's fault, and argues that he should give Harrison up. Dexter disagrees.

So Dexter goes off in pursuit of Speltzer, and manages to get knocked out and placed in a big maze that Speltzer created just for him. Dexter, being Dexter, manages to escape, and comes back for Speltzer one more time. This time, he knocks him out, ties him to a table and creamates him, along with Dexter's most prized possession: his slides. Looks like Dex is really turning a new leaf.

With Speltzer's remains wafting out the chimney, Deb drives up and the siblings chat. When Dexter asks her how she feels, Deb responds, "Glad. What does that make me?" "Human," Dexter responds.

So it's looking as though Deb is at least one step closer to accepting Dexter's little hobby, but don't expect her to be fully on board as early as next week.

Meanwhile, the Brotherhood has some nefarious doings after killing Louis. When Quinn breaks up the strip club yet again, Isaac gets an idea: pin the murder on the club's bartender, Alex. He goes with his henchmen to Alex's house and offers a deal: write a suicide note and kill yourself, and your family will be taken care of. Alex takes the deal, but Batista thinks it doesn't add up... and Dexter knows it doesn't, since he was the one who found out about Viktor.

Speaking of Viktor, it looks as though he and Isaac had some kind of romantic relationship going on, which explains why he's so driven about taking Dexter down. Can't Dex go one season without angering some psychopath or another?

Nah, probably not.