'Dexter' Season 6, Episode 8 Recap - 'Sin of Omission'

'Dexter' Season 6, Episode 8 Recap - 'Sin of Omission' Is "Dexter" gearing up for a showdown?

We just got news this week that the show has been renewed for at least two more seasons, so it's obvious that Dex isn't going to be caught anytime soon. But there were hints in this episode, "Sin of Omission," that Dexter is getting a little sloppy, and even that Deb is starting to notice that Dex isn't all there.

It's about time, too. The episode started off with Dexter showing up at Deb's door after taking a week off to drive to Nebraska (and murdering a bit while he was there), for which Deb was sufficiently pissed.

She got even angrier later when she found Dexter's pen from the motel (you just knew that was coming back), but less about Dexter's disappearance and more about the fact that he would rather "talk" to Jonah than to her.

The most ironic point of all this was when Deb was speaking to her therapist about Dex, saying how closed off he was and comparing them to Travis and his (now dead) sister. "So you think he might kill you?" the therapist jokingly asks Deb, who laughs in response.

Foreshadowing, much? The widely accepted theory out there is that the final season of the show will end up being Deb vs. Dex as he continues to feed his dark passenger while trying to evade capture.

Travis' sister has less to laugh about, sadly, as Gellar made his move to get Travis back. She ended up being the Whore of Babylon in Gellar's latest tableau, which was a bit skipped over in the hubbub surrounding it. That is to say, the fact that Dexter confronted Travis once again and asked for help, and Gellar all but kidnapped Travis to bring him back into the fold.

Dexter, through some detective work, finds the abandoned church and tracks Travis down, finally getting him on his side. But now that Gellar has seen Dexter's face, things could get a bit tricky.

But hey, at least Dexter got his sins absolved by a Catholic priest in the meantime. Although I would figure that a priest with a bit more capacity for reason would have at least assigned Dex a few Hail Marys, what with all the murder and such.

Sadly, the rest of the characters remain, as they often are, fairly uninteresting as compared to Dexter. Bautista is trying (and succeeding) in intimidating Louis away from his sister, and Masuka and Quinn hit a strip club where Quinn once again gets out of line. And something is up with LaGuerta and a recently discovered dead prostitute, most likely a cover-up for the Chief's prostitution habits.

Heck, even the latest DDK tableau was downplayed this week, and those were starting to get kind fun with the angel and the locusts and whatnot. Oh well. We'll see if we get to the actual apocalypse, that should make for one heck of a tableau. I wonder how Gellar will illustrate a star opening up a bottomless pit. He'll need more than some crocodile heads for that one.

Other notes:

-"Now you have garden gnomes." Oh, so Gellar's getting snarky now?

-So Dexter took a week off here... how much time did he take off when Rita died? Boy, I hope it was more than a week, or this is going to look bad.

-The blood-stained Bible is a nice touch. A sticky, kinda gross, but nonetheless nice touch.

-How long do you supposed Dexter's absolution is going to last?