'Dexter' Season 6, Episode 5 Recap - 'The Angel of Death'

'Dexter' Season 6, Episode 5 Recap - 'The Angel of Death' It's probably going to be difficult to top last week's Rube Goldberg-esque angel death, and that's probably why they didn't try to in this week's episode.

Yep, despite its title "The Angel of Death" was surprisingly death-free. And in the twisted world of "Dexter" fandom, that's kind of a disappointment.

Instead of witnessing murders, we're instead watching the death of Quinn's last shard of dignity as he sleeps with the cute Professor Porter, who used to work/live/presumably sleep with Professor Gellar. Gross, Quinn. I know she's good-looking, but you just slept with the Doomsday Killer's ex.

Bautista and Quinn's suspicions are validated as Bautista rather rudely starts digging through Porter's stuff and uncovers a book with Gellar's writings that includes sketches of the "tableaus" that we've seen so far. It's in no way hard evidence, but in the world of "Dexter" it counts as a lead.

Deb enjoys a bit of relief as she finally meets with that therapist, who tells her to get her own place. We enjoy a completely LaGuerta-free episode.

Dexter, meanwhile, is officially on the hunt. He rather quickly finds Travis' name and address and compares a page from his Bible with the numbers left at the scenes. A perfect match! You can't say Dexter isn't thorough: I probably would have seen the holes in the pages and said "eureka!" and gone of and sliced the fellow.

The fun part of this episode, in lieu of killing, were two very different mini-sermons about light and dark. Brother Sam gave Dexter a speech that may be more on-the-money than he knows, as he found "the light" inside Dexter... namely, the love of his mother and his love for Harrison. With Dexter's dark passenger fighting with this light, it should be an interesting season.

But Dex still doesn't quite get it yet. He hunts down Travis and chokes him in the car, giving him his own sermon about how he knows a few things about darkness, and Gellar is plenty dark. But when it's revealed that Travis hasn't done any of the killing, he is mercifully released. Will Dexter be working to convert Travis? Can he be?

The speech came at a good time, as we spent a little more time with Travis this episode, watching as he attempted to capture and kill without Gellar's help. I'm not sure why it was such a problem this time, considering he seemed to take down that jogger pretty easily.

Also, didn't Travis pull out the sword to kill the fruit vendor? I know we cut away, so maybe we can assume that Travis wimped out and Gellar stepped in and did the stabbing, but that seems unlikely. After all, once you start waving a sword around, the person in nearest proximity to you tends to take notice.

So it wasn't the most eventful episode, but it did set up next week nicely. Seeing as Brother Sam was just shot, Dex is going to have a revenge kill on his hands. Also, Gellar and Travis just got their "Whore of Babylon," who also plays into Revelations, so we might get another elaborate "tableau" next week. Stay tuned!