Demi Lovato Says She's Not Totally Sober

Demi Lovato Says She's Not Totally Sober

In her new docuseries Dancing with the Devil, pop star Demi Lovato says she's no longer using the hard drugs that caused a near-fatal overdose in 2018. She calls herself "sober," but that's because she doesn't think that using marijuana or alcohol counts. In fact, she implies that using those softer drugs helps her to fight off the urge to use heroin. Read on for details.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

When it comes to her recovery, Demi Lovato says she's learned "shutting the door on things" makes her "want to open the door even more."

In fact, as she explains in her Dancing With the Devil docuseries' fourth and final episode, Lovato now describes herself as "California Sober," a term used to describe those who decide to quit consuming drugs and alcohol but with a few exceptions. Though Lovato assures she’s done with using hard drugs following her near-fatal overdose in 2018, "Telling myself that I can never have a drink or smoke marijuana, I feel like that's setting myself up for failure cause I'm such a black and white thinker."

Once again, Lovato’s family, friends and team — including her manager Scooter Braun and case manager Charles Cook— sit down to offer their take on Lovato’s decision. The fourth episode also welcomes some famous figures including Christina Aguilera, Elton John and Will Ferrell. In an interview ahead of the docuseries’ premiere at the South by Southwest festival, director Michael D. Ratner spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about why it was important to have Aguilera, John and Ferrell join.

"I talked to Demi about how she not only impacts millions of Lovatics, [but] she has these incredible relationships with icons... I think that hearing how she's impacted others who have walked in similar shoes and have had a lot of eyeballs on them, have gone through some similar things, is really interesting. It just shows a totally different side of it," Ratner told THR. He added that it was clear when speaking with the singers and actor, they each have "meaningful relationships with Demi and that's because she's a special person."

During the episode, Lovato also chronicles her previous whirlwind engagement to actor Max Ehrich. Last July, Lovato shared the happy news writing below a photograph of herself with Ehrich, "I knew I loved you the moment I met you. It was something I can’t describe to anyone who hasn’t experienced it firsthand but luckily you did too." However two months after Ehrich proposed to Lovato, the couple broke off the engagement. Though Ehrich has been vocal on social media following the split, Lovato has remained mum — until now.

"California Sober"

Though Lovato previously revealed that she had touched heroin again after her overdose, the question remained as to whether the singer is completely sober now. But the singer offered an explanation as to why she wasn't: "I've learned that shutting the door on things makes me want to open the door even more. I've learned that it doesn't work for me to say, 'I'm never going to do this again.' " With tears in her eyes, Lovato adds that she's "really struggled" with her decision. Though she confirms she's "done with the stuff that's going to kill me," she says she still yearns to "get some relief" through marijuana.

"Telling myself that I can never have a drink or smoke marijuana, I feel like that's setting myself up for failure cause I'm such a black and white thinker."

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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