Demi Lovato Now Rumored for 'X Factor' Judging Gig

Demi Lovato X-Factor Judge When Simon Cowell opened his big mouth last year and said that anything less than 20 million viewers a week for "The X Factor" would be "a disappointment," he set fellow judges Nicole Scherzinger and Paula Abdul up for a rough ride. There was no way that the brand-new show was going to bring in 20 million with a former Pussycat Doll and an 80's pop icon.

Of course, Abdul and Scherzinger didn't help themselves much by essentially refusing to do the one thing they were put there to do (judge), not to mention lending a hand to the elimination of fan favorites like Rachel Crow.

So with "The X Factor" heading into season two, Cowell has a big decision to make in replacing Scherzinger and Abdul. Already, it seems as though Britney Spears is lined up to be the big new name that will bring in the curious crowd, the wild card that promises a closer look at a big personality.

But Cowell might have another trick up his sleeve, and that would be the signing of Demi Lovato. The Disney pop star has tons of appeal with a younger crowd, and those are the fans that keep shows like "American Idol" going for 11 years and counting.

According to THR, Lovato is being strongly considered to fill the last seat, with Spears all but a done deal. Lovato is a bit more up in the air, but for someone as young as she is (just 19 years old) and lacking in multi-demographic exposure, this might be just the gig that Lovato needs to boost her career.

Another name being tossed around is Miley Cyrus, yet another Disney star with appeal for a younger audience. There's a good chance that, even if Lovato gets the gig, we could see Miley on in a mentor capacity in one of the middle rounds of the competition.