In Defense of Jessa Duggar Having Sex in a Church Right After Getting Married

In Defense of Jessa Duggar Having Sex in a Church Right After Getting Married Of all the possible results of the latest "19 Kids and Counting" wedding, this is perhaps the greatest.

According to one semi-anonymous guest of the wedding of Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald, the couple was caught doing sinful, sexy things in the back room of the church where they got married...right after they got married.

"Multiple people were discussing that when Jinger opened the door to get Jess for the reception, she immediately closed the door with a look of shock on her face. A big group of the girls were waiting outside the room to walk with her out…and my own daughters saw as well," wrote one Mary B., a blogger who allegedly attended the large wedding.

Some people are scandalized by this news, but we at Yidio are here to defend Jessa and Ben's quickie consummation.

If you're unfamiliar with "19 Kids and Counting," the show is about a maniacal overlord named Jim Bob who rules over his family with an iron fist, forcing them to perform child labor and policing his offsprings' sex lives well past the age of 18.

For reference, Jessa and the also recently married Jill are both in their early 20's, but were not allowed to go on dates without a chaperone, could not hold hands with a boy until they were engaged, and could not kiss until they were married.

Given that, how could Jessa and Ben's wedding have gone any differently? A great way to make sure that people don't have sex in a church as soon as they get married is to let them have sex before they get married like normal adults. Or at least let them kiss.

It's also worth mentioning that this family is so puritanical that Jinger would have been scandalized by anything more sexual than a side hug, so who knows what they were doing in there. But again, we sincerely hope they were doing the dirty.

Mary B's response to all this is worth reading in full as it is hilarious, as long as you don't think too hard about how sad it is. We're talking about a woman who says that it's the woman's responsibility to stay pure and that Ben should be a better "leader" to keep her in line. She also notes that it takes about 48 hours to get a direct response from our lord Jesus Christ concerning your prayers, so stay on the line, folks.

Here's the whole thing:

"I was very upset when I was told about the incident that was witnessed by [my daughters] when the door to the room [Jessa and Ben] were in was accidently opened. I am not sure why they would not wait for the evening to pray and then consumate God's marriage. The Lord has blessed them and brought them together. To hear so many people discussing what they inadvertendly walked into was heartbreaking and troubling.

Why did this happen? How could this beautiful, joyus day now be forever tainted and destroyed by rumors about what the girls may (or may not have) seen? And if this is true why would they commit such an act in the Lord's home...the same Lord who guided them together. This really made me question Ben's headship and leadership skills. I pray he is not swayed to evil. I pray he acts as strong husband and worship leader to Miss Jessa. I have a terrible, guy feeling. I have tried talking to my husband about this but he has said he will not talk about it until he prays about it and gets an answer from the Lord. This on average takes about 48 hours for him to recieve an answer."