Debra Messing Takes Daring Step in 'Dirty Dancing' Remake

Debra Messing Takes Daring Step in 'Dirty Dancing' Remake

When something scares Debra Messing, she confronts it head on.

Speaking with PEOPLE as the new ambassador of CoolSculpting, the actress opened up about her excitement to breathe new life into ABC’s remake of the iconic film Dirty Dancing. Messing also gushed about getting the chance to lend her vocals with her very own solo as Majorie Houseman (Baby’s mom) in the television adaptation.

“I am very excited,” she told PEOPLE. “The original movie was incredibly special to me. I remember seeing it when I was a kid with my mother and just falling in love with everything about it. I had the soundtrack; I knew every word to every song.”

“It’s just a really uplifting and happy universe to be in,” Messing continued. “It was just a joy to spent a few months doing that. The cast was amazing.”

Read the rest of this article at People.