Debra Messing Gets in Trouble for Attacking Megyn Kelly

Debra Messing Gets in Trouble for Attacking Megyn Kelly

Will & Grace star Debra Messing was bound to ruffle some executive feathers at NBC this week when she said she regretted doing a segment on Megyn Kelly Today. Kelly offended Messing by making an awkward comment to a gay guest, and Messing spoke up about it on social media. The problem is that both Kelly's and Messing's shows are on NBC, and it's not a good idea for one network employee to be bashing another's work. Kelly is just getting started with her gig on Today, and the revival of Will & Grace debuts tonight, testing whether there really is audience hunger for a resurrection of the nearly-20-year-old sitcom. NBC cancelled Messing's last series, The Mysteries of Laura, after just two seasons, so there's no guarantee that the actress has the kind of clout she needs to get away with saying whatever she wants about her home network.

Via Page Six.

Debra Messing has been told to “cut it out” by NBC bosses after she bad-mouthed fellow NBC star Megyn Kelly after appearing on her show.

The “Will & Grace” star was so put off by Kelly’s question to an audience member — “Is it true that you became a lawyer, and you became gay, because of Will? . . . I don’t know about the lawyer thing, but I think that ‘Will & Grace’ thing and the gay thing is going to work out great” — that Messing posted on Instagram, “Regret going on. Dismayed by her comments.”

While NBC insiders defended Kelly’s comments as “tongue-in-cheek,” Messing got a stern warning.

One exec told us, “Debra was told to cut it out by someone high up in the NBC Entertainment division run by Bob Greenblatt, via her agent or publicist.”

Read the rest of the story at Page Six.

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