Daniel Tosh Explains The Oscar Nominees

Daniel Tosh Explains The Oscar Nominees Are you ready for this Sunday’s Oscars?

Do you need a reminder of which flicks are up for best picture? Daniel Tosh of "Tosh.O" can help. He’ll give you a (not suitable for work) quick run-down all the movies up for the award.

Such as “Lincoln.”

 “Every chance he gets, it’s just, ‘Do you want me to tell you a long, long story?’”

And how about the wife? Nag nag nag. Always wanting more, never happy. “‘I just freed a race of people!’ I literally think he might have shot himself.”

Then there’s his version of “Silver Linings Playbook.”

“Who’s the wife? Julia Stiles, right? Immediately annoyed.” Also starring Jennifer Lawrence as “Hunger Games” chick… “In fairness, right, hot…. Her face is no good.”

“No one in Philly is going to a dance competition while the Eagles are playing.”

Of course there’s also “Django Unchained” to consider.

“My favorite part of this movie--when Leonardo DiCaprio asks everyone if they’d like to go to the parlor, for some white cake.”

“Life of Pi” meanwhile gets a short spoiler. “Before any of that happened they made up a story, for two and a half hours.”

What about the French film, “Amour?”

“Why is this even nominated? It’s not an American film. Not to mention it’s subtitled—hey, I get to read!”

Zero Dark Thirty” gets more excitement on Tosh’s part. He also aptly points out, “If you’re a red head and fair skinned, nothing like being stationed in the Middle East.”

Les Miserables,” seems to be his most-hated nominee, as he sings, “By the way if you want any of these songs to sound like a real song they will not.”

And now you’re well-informed.

Which film are you rooting for?