Daniel Radcliff and John Hamm Sponge Each Other Down

Daniel Radcliff and John Hamm Sponge Each Other Down You know what we just don’t get to see enough of nowadays?

Hot men bathing together. Why is that?

Finally, it has been remedied.

“Pass me the loofah,” Daniel Radcliff tells "Mad Men" star John Hamm in the new trailer for their upcoming “A Young Doctor’s Notebook.”

Based on a collection of short stories by Mikhail Bulgakov entitled “A Country Doctor’s Notebook,” the miniseries will follow a young doctor, played by Radcliff, during pre-revolutionary times in Russia.

Hamm plays the older version of Radcliff, who lives after the end of World War II. He observed and interacts with his younger self—though no clear details on how that occurs, they obvious get to spend some quality tub time together.

The miniseries airs in the United Kingdom in December, but plenty of pictures of Radcliff and Hamm bathing together have made it to the states.

"It was great, because you know you are the envy of every woman ever," Radcliffe said, of being Hamm’s bathing partner.

“Did I really used to look like that?” Hamm asks, watching his younger (somehow much shorter) self delivering a baby.

“It’s my duty to help these people,” Radcliff insists, while Hamm snarks, “I believe duty calls,” as a scream is heard.

Why does Britain get all the best miniseries? Will “A Young Doctor’s Notebook” be making it to the states? Probably. Enough interest was drummed up by the initial photo of the two getting clean together to ensure that.

What do you think of the trailer? Dark and quirky? Would it hold your interest once their clothes are on?