Dancing With the Stars Semi-Finals: Results

On tonight’s results show, it was clear that popularity was more important than dance technique when shy, budding dancer, Bristol Palin beat out performance-driven, skilled dancer, Brandy for a spot in the finals.

The one hour results show had the usual tricks and hour-fillers.  There were two performances from adult contemporary legend, Annie Lennox.  The sombre “Universal Child” resulted in a haunting dance by the black-clad professional dancers.  The more upbeat number, “Little Bird” featured four female dancers in feathery costumes moving together in a spirited routine.

Also featured was Enrique Iglesias who managed to rouse both the dancers and the audience to new heights of excitement during his performance of the summer hit, “I like it”.

The show also included a video montage where the contestants spoke about what being on the show had meant to them.  Jennifer Grey spoke about how important it is to her that she has managed to overcome all her physical limitations to get as far as she has.  Kyle Massey also spoke about how the physicality of the competition was much harder than he had anticipated.  However, he found he was surprised by the amount of mental energy that goes into each performance as well.  Bristol Palin cited the confidence she’s gained as the biggest thing to come out of the competition for her; while Brandy felt that the emotional journey she’s taken throughout the experience was the most significant.

Brandy and Maks danced their perfect score Argentine Tango as the encore dance for the evening.  However, in the end the perfect score and judges’ raves were not enough to save the couple from elimination.  Maks was gracious about the voting public, claiming that the democratic ideal was the reason his family had come to the country in the first place.  Brandy; however, was unable to come up with words to describe her feelings and in the end, just laid her head on Maks’ shoulder and let the tears flow during the video montage of their time together.

Bruno requested that the couple come back next Tuesday anyway and perform the freestyle they’d choreographed.  I’m sure those who voted for Brandy and Maks during the season would second his request.

The remaining three couples will perform in the finals next Monday evening at 8:00 EST on ABC.