'Daily Show' Calls BS on 'Dad Bod' Trend

'Daily Show' Calls BS on 'Dad Bod' Trend

Have you heard about the "dad bod?"

If not, here's a quick primer: it celebrates the physique of men who are a little bit flabby and have a bit of a beer belly...you know, kinda like your stereotypical dad. The "dad bod" has become a topic of late on the Internet, with some even arguing that it's the new standard of physical attractiveness for men.

On "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart and Kristen Schaal explained why that's all complete bulls--t.

What a great day for men!" Schaal said. “It’s time society finally accepted that a man’s body changes when he has kids. He spent nine months eating too much because his pregnant wife is stressing him out, and then there’s a scream-y baby at home, so he’s got to get out for pizza and beer as much as he can! It’s just biology, Jon."

The "dad bod" has gained traction of late due to celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio and pre-"Guardians of the Galaxy" Chris Pratt, who sported similar physiques. But in Schaal's segment, she points out how women continue to be judged based on their bodies and weight, while men are now being celebrated for being out of shape.

Check out the video below: