'Dads' Season 1, Episode 9: 'Comic Book Issues' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 9: 'Comic Book Issues' Recap David comes out of the bathroom with his reading material - a very valuable comic book that Eli had been keeping upstairs.

It makes him late for work; he has to take his comics and put them in storage. He explains what happened, and Warner mourns for his old comic book collections, which Crawford sold when he was a child.

At home, Crawford brings Warner large boxes full of comics, feeling bad for having gotten rid of Warner's collection. Warner is thrilled.

He tells Eli about them, and says they're just as good. It becomes a competition over who has the better comic books. To prove it, Eli goes to his storage unit to collect his, and finds they have all been stolen.

Eli and Veronica call the police, who takes a report. He goes home to yell at David about what happened.

He goes into work, tortured. Warner says he is welcome to read his comics until Eli's are found. Eli goes through the box, realizing that he had all the comics. Crawford comes in and explains he got the comics from Craigslist from a sketchy character. Warner and Eli juggle back and forth about whether or not Eli should take them.

Eli says it's Jenna Lacey all over again - they went back and forth on asking her out because no one could say difinitively that they liked her. Finally Warner takes them.

At home, David feels bad, realizing comic books raised Eli and taught him right from wrong. With guidance from Edna, he decides to go to Warner's and steal the comics back. The two sneak into Warner's home at night, searching for them. They find the boxes in Warner's room and take them, but Edna points out Warner is sleeping with some. David tries to take them, but Warner clutches them in his sleep. Edna holds him like a baby and they manage to pry them free.

Going down the stairs, Warner drops a box. They wake Camilla, and hide.

Eli comes in as Warner is giving his report to the police. Warner accuses of Eli of stealing the comics. Warner demands he go to Eli's, where, of course, they find the comics. David and Edna have to confess. Everyone realizes what happened. Warner and Eli agree to share the comics.