'Dads' Season 1, Episode 3: 'Clean on Me' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'Clean on Me' Recap Crawford gets to the office. He spent the morning at the stock exchange yelling "buy" and "sell." Warner is running late.

He comes in. The kids have been sick, and someone left the fridge door open and it defrosted everywhere. He wants Camilla to hire a cleaning woman, but she is hesitant. Eli offers Warner his housekeeper.

Veronica struggles to do all the work. She wants to hire an intern to help her.

The maid, Edna, vaccuums at Eli's, but David is in her way. Eli asks Edna if she would be willing to do Warner's house that weekend. Warner brings her home, but Camilla tells Warner she's not comfortable. Edna gives them both a shot of tequila to loosen them up.

Crawford goes to the office, but the boys aren't in. Crawford gives Veronica her mail, which he has sorted. She asks about his previous job experience and hires him as an unpaid intern.

Camilla is finally relaxed with Edna taking care of things. Edna, however, says she will come back. She has decided she likes their house better.

At work, Crawford brings in coffee for everyone. He tells Warner that Veronica has hired him. Warner reluctantly tells Eli that Edna is with him now.

Eli goes home and blames David for driving Edna away. He demands that David get Edna back for them.

Crawford is doing well as an intern. Veronica has to leave for a conference, so she tells him to help Warner for the rest of the day.

Eli's apartment is falling apart, but Warner and Camilla are thrilled with Edna. Eli texts her, pleading for her to come back.

David has hired a new maid to clean up the place... a man.

Reluctantly, Veronica fires Crawford. She got a legal memo that only college students can be unpaid interns. Crawford is crushed, and Warner offers him a paid job... the money will be applied to his room and board.

Eli goes to Warner's house and begs Edna to come back to him. David busts in behind him and reads a statement to Edna, apologizing for all the things he has done. Edna rejects him.

The new man maid, Joshua, comes in (David's ride). Edna becomes jealous. Warner tries to convince her to stay, but she decides to go back to Eli.

Things are a little awkward at work. Warner wants to know if Edna ever asks about him.