'Dads' Season 1, Episode 17: 'Have a Heart� Attack' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 17: 'Have a Heart� Attack' Recap Warner comes into work thrilled. Crawford is getting his ankle bracelet off (for getting tricked into crime), and now he can go live anywhere. He's having a party for Crawford's bracelet removal, and Eli is excited to go, it should give him hope David may leave one day, which he suggests David take to heart.

They watch the bracelet removal, and it's done. Camilla locates a senior facility that they can send Crawford to.

Edna bothers David at home while he tries to rest, after being on the couch all day. He starts to go up the stairs as Edna blasts music, but falls over. She can't hear him go down.

Eli finds him at the hospital, recovering from a major heart attack. The doctor suggests that Eli's arguments may have triggered it. Eli can't wake his father. Eli thinks it's all his fault for breaking his father. As he talks, David wakes up.

Warner tries to get Crawford out, but hesitates when his dad calls him his "friend." Crawford, however, goes to the senior facility. Camilla is happy to have the house back. Warner admits he has been trying to contact him.

He runs into Crawford when he goes to see David. Crawford tells him he loves his new place, new friends, and he's been kept very busy with activities. He introduces his new friend, a worker there, Todd, who he says is like a son.

Veronica comes in to see David as well, after a weekend in Big Sur. She tells them she got engaged. Eli didn't realize she had a boyfriend for six months. Eli tries to pretend he is happy for her.

She brings her new fiance, Colt, to work to meet Eli and Warner. He is honored to meet Eli. The two get along well, and Colt invites Eli over to play video games. When Colt leaves Eli declares that he hates him.

Camilla comes down to find Warner on the couch and asks him if he is okay. He admits he doesn't want Crawford living away... with Todd. He wants him to come home. Camilla reluctantly agrees.

David is finally home, feeling better. He tells Eli he doesn't want him to live a life of regret, as he has. He insists he tell Veronica how he feels. He gets emotional and tells him son not to make the same mistakes he did or he'll end up angry as well.

Eli runs through the rain to Veronica, while Warner runs to find Crawford. He brings his father home. Eli, meanwhile, sees Veronica and Colt in a restaurant, kissing and talking. He goes home.