'Dads' Season 1, Episode 15: 'Baby Face' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 15: 'Baby Face' Recap Camilla meets Warner at work with some bad news. Her sister is going through a rough patch and Camilla wants to go visit her... with the kids. Warner "reluctantly" lets her go.

Once she's gone he celebrates his first time alone in five years. Crawford comes in having heard the news, and Warner realizes he won't get the house to himself after all. He gives Crawford money and tells him to go to a hotel for the week.

Not realizing how simple it is, Eli gives David his card and suggests he go to a hotel as well.

At the hotel, Crawford and David act like professionals in the hope of getting perks. When he introduces David as his "partner" of 30 years, the gay hotel staff are impressed and offer to help them out any way they can. They send up a sexual gift basket, and David realizes that they think the two are gay.

They don't mind, however, when the hotel sends up champagne and caviar with a coupon for a free couple's massage.

Eli instructs Warner on what to do while his wife is gone. Step one is to look up ex's on Facebook.

Edna is making stew, and superstitiously reads the bones. Warner asks for his fortune.

1) Get something for nothing. 2) A redhead will ruin his life. 3) You make baby with your father's face.

At home, Warner plays video games, enjoying his freedom. Eli and Veronica come over since he didn't show up for work. Veronica gives him the newspaper... only Warner doesn't get the newspaper. He thinks Edna's first prediction came true.

On Facebook, Warner is getting "poked" by an ex.

David and Crawford enjoy their massage, and a complimentary breakfast, still pretending to be married.

At work, Maria, the ex from Facebook (who has red hair) arrives. She flew from Boston to see Warner, and does not get the hints he lays on about his wife and kids. He gets wrangled into dinner with her to keep her from showing up at the house.

At the hotel, David and Crawford check out women, and the staff realizes they are straight. They get charged for all of their perks. Crawford says they need to convince the staff they are gay. They pretend to have sex. The concierge comes in and finds them doing nothing.

Veronica and Eli join Warner and Maria for dinner, but she asks for time alone with him. She tells him she was the best man she ever dated. He reminds her again he is happily married, but she says that's not what she's after. She wants to have a baby and asks for some of his sperm. She tells him no one will ever find out.

Warner hears the cryptic message Edna told him about his father. He says yes.

Warner asks Edna to make another stew, but it has nothing to say this time around. He asks Eli for help. The two attempt to make fake sperm. They meet Maria at the hotel and give her a cooler of sperm. She mentions the painful and expensive insemination process, and he has second thoughts. He asks for it back.

David and Crawford come down in the elevator as Maria and Warner are wrestling with the cup. It flies through the air and hits Crawford in the face.