'Dads' Season 1, Episode 14: 'Bully Gene' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'Bully Gene' Recap Eli comes home from his date, which Edna interrupts. Eli excuses her. His date has a confession - she has a son.

Eli is okay with it, but David interrupts as well. Eli must confess his own secret - that his dad lives with him.

The next morning Eli tells David it's geting kind of serious, and she's going to introduce him to her son. David instructs him to run.

At work, Warner has a strange amount of energy. He and his wife fought so he had to sleep on the couch... which was fantastic. Veronica asks Eli about Elsa and Eli is surprisingly enthusiastic about meeting Elsa's kid. Warner is so happy Eli suggests he pick fights with his wife all week so he'll be in tip-top shape for their big meeting later in the week.

Eli meets Elsa's son, Gene, but they have no connection. Eli tries to relate over having an absent dad, but it doesn't work. The kid threatens him and grabs him by the collar.

Eli tells Warner and Veronica how a 12-year-old bullied him. Over dinner with Elsa, Eli tells Elsa that Gene was bullying him, and suggests he talk to someone. She storms off, convinced he is just not man enough to handle dating a woman with a kid.

Warner comes home to find his comfortable couch replaced by a wooden bench. Camilla tells him she's onto him... since he wrote it down in his day planner. Now they're in a real fight, and Warner has to sleep with Crawford.

Eli gets a text from Elsa and kicks David and Edna out so they can hook up... only it's Gene at the door. He stole his mom's phone and he demands $100. Eli tries to talk to him about his dad, and while looking for juice for him, Gene steals his wallet and jacket and leaves.

David takes Eli to Elsa's and informs her that her son is bullying his son, and he took his jacket which contains a game he needs for a meeting. Elsa sends them off abruptly.

When told he didn't get the game back, Veronica takes the phone and calls Gene to find out what it will take to get the game. He agrees - if he can see her boobs. Their clients come in early to see the game.

Gene answers the door excited to meet Veronica... and finds Edna. When threatened by Elsa, Edna hits them in the eye with oven cleaner, tosses the apartment around, grabs the game and leaves.

The clients love the game and want to order all of them. Eli explains they usually hold back on some games for the independent game shops, and the Texas-based company explains they want to put the little guys out of business. Eli and Warner turn them down, despite being offered a ton of money.

Allowed back in the bed, Warner has to tell Camilla they turned down a huge deal that would have enabled Crawford to get his own place.

He goes back to sleeping on the bench.