'Dads' Season 1, Episode 13: 'Eli Nightingale' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'Eli Nightingale' Recap Veronica coughs, panicking Warner, who is a germaphobe. Warner tries to send her home, but she refuses.. until later he catches her blowing her nose, and kicks her out. Eli tells her she can go hang out at his apartment and rest. Warner notes that he is just being nice to her in hopes of sleeping with her... which is true.

The elevator is broken and Veronica too weak to walk. Eli ends up carrying her up the stairs to his place. He sets her down to rest, and she passes out and falls down the stairs. The fire alarm goes off, and he has to cart her back down, then up again.

Finally, he gets her onto the couch and tucks her in. David packs to leave - he thinks one good cold will kill him. Veronica wakes and worries about the work she has to do, but Edna steps in to do it. She goes to the office and fires people, as Warner disinfects Veronica's desk.

David goes to hang out with Crawford while Veronica is sick, and gets babysat by a long-suffering Camilla.

Eli comes home and finds out what sick Veronica looks like and is terrified. After overcoming his horror, he cares for the violently ill girl. Eli goes back to work and finds Edna has happily settled into telling people what to do. Eli admits to Warner that he is having weird feelings toward Veronica while caring for her... like, he wants her to feel good and happy and not just have sex with her.

He goes home to find her recovered, and tries to convince her to stay. Veronica asks him on a date before she leaves. Eli rejoices, but begins to cough and hack.

Warner drives Camilla to her massage, with David and Crawford acting like children in the back of the car. Warner parks and goes to get some money, when another guy hops in the car. He informs Crawford and David he is carjacking them. They're child-locked in and can't leave, and neither has any money. Their talking is enough to get rid of him.

Eli and Veronica go on their date. Eli begins to sweat and Veronica notices he doesn't seem to be feeling well, but he plays it off. Too sick to do anything but try not to vomit, Veronica thinks Eli is a great listener and maybe someone she could be with.

However, it becomes too much, and Eli throws up on the table. Warner comes in, and Eli throws up on him as well, causing a chain-reaction of puking.

Veronica carries him home, where he admits he was being nice to her so she'd sleep with him, but felt more for her. She is furious, but he wants to start over. They almost kiss... until she notes a condom in his back pocket.