'Dads' Season 1, Episode 11: 'The Glitch That Stole Christmas' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 11: 'The Glitch That Stole Christmas' Recap Eli brings home presents for David and Edna. David can't fake excitement. Eli reminds him he never expects a gift from his father.

It's the Christmas party at work... and the one day of the year where Veronica will drink around Warner and Eli. Eli is keeping sharp in case he can have a go at her.

They reveal their family-safe Christmas video game, while Eli waits for Veronica to drink more.

Crawford brings in the head of the Family Video Game Counsel, who normally hates them, but is interested in their new game "Santa's Safe but Exciting Ride." Crawford gives him a copy.

David tries to make a homemade gift for Eli. He doesn't have a job so he can't afford to buy him a gift. Edna has a suggestion...

David is a mall Santa, with Edna a nearby snowwoman.

At the party, they notice a programmer that they fired hanging out there. He tells them he has a gift for them - he inserted it into the game. Veronica sobers up instantly and tells them all they have to go through the game and look for something inappropriate he may have put in there.

The guys watch the game. Veronica comes over to ask Warner and Eli if they have found the sabatoge inserted... yes. They are in shock. The word "Christmas" has been replaced by one not even the guys can say. It's "in a lot of rap songs."

Veronica calls the distributer. None of the games have shipped at least... except the one given to the African American Chairman of the Family Video Games Counsel.

Warner begins packing up his desk. Veronica decides they need to try to catch him before he plays the game.

David is doing his best to be Santa, but it's going about how you'd expect.

Warner, Eli, and Veronica go to the house of the Chairman. He's not answering the door, but they can see the video game sitting on the table.

They go on the roof and decide to send Veronica down the chimney. She tells them the one really in charge of the company needs to go down... so both insist they go down the chimney, and get stuck.

David is losing his ability to play Santa, until he finds out Edna is drinking. He takes a swig and is renewed.

Veronica calls Crawford in to help, and he has a plan. All four end up stuck in the chimney. They call in Edna and David, both drunk. David lowers his belt down and gets pulled in as well.

Edna saves the day, shoving them all down the chimney. The Chairman comes in and finds them.

He already played the game. He liked it, however. He figured the word was put in by an angry programmer, and enjoyed the game otherwise. However, his wife isn't happy. She kicks them out.