'Dads' Season 1, Episode 10: 'Dad Abuse' Recap

'Dads'  Season 1, Episode 10: 'Dad Abuse' Recap Eli is annoyed to come home and find that David has eaten all of his food. He locks the fridge. He tells David if he wants something, he can go down to the office and ask for it.

Camilla and Warner go downstairs to find Crawford asleep with a lit cigar in his mouth. They wake him. They argue with him about that habit, but he blows them off.

Eli comes home to find David eating his food again, having broken into the fridge. David has also taken the last bath towel, and refuses to give it up and use his own designated towel. They tussel, and David falls backward and hits his head.

He comes home from the ER with two stitches. Crawford gives him alcohol to chase his painkillers with. There is a knock at the door, and a special agent introduces himself to Eli. He explains that injuries involving elderly parents require an investigation. He notes the lock on the fridge door, and David chasing narcotics with alcohol.

Crawford explains that Warner likes him best when he does that, it keeps him out of his hair, so he recommended it to David. The agent hears a threat of violence in the story, and decides to remove both Dads into special custody.

Eli and Warner hug. Camilla, when she hears, is not as nonchalant.

The boys are thrilled in the morning, but Veronica tells them horror stories of foster care. They look it up online, and are suddenly concerned about what their dads are going through.

They shouldn't be alarmed, however. David and Crawford are greeting their new foster "children," who are rich and outrageously happy. Crawford is even allowed to put his drink wherever he wants - the rings remind the family of the elderly they have sheltered. They tell him a few stories about families tortured by their children.

Eli and Warner drive into the night, unable to get the abusive images out of their head. They are determined to be more loving and tolerant... or, at least try. The boys burst in during a game of charades. They apologize to their fathers and ask them to come home.

David and Crawford, however, don't want to leave. They like it there and they are no longer a burden.

The couple tells them they haven't met their roommates yet - both of their mothers. They admit both women moved in, and they're hoping to find two men to marry them and get them out of the house. David and Crawford flee.

Eli and Warner are pleased they made the right choice... until the Dads begin their usual habits again.