'Dads' Pilot Recap

'Dads'  Pilot Recap At Ghost Child Games, Eli (Seth Green) works with the voice over artist for a new game. His partner Warner (Giovanni Ribisi) comes in complaining. Warner’s father wants to come to work with him. Warner admits he has a hard time saying ‘no’ to his father, but Eli says sometimes he tells his dad ‘no’ just for the heck of it. He texts him a big “NO” just to demonstrate.

Warner goes home but notices his wife Camilla is in a mood. He tries to sneak out but she catches him. She displays the mess his father has made in the kitchen while preparing a sandwich and tells him he has to talk to his father. Warner tells her she needs to just learn to avoid conflict, like he does.

Warner’s dad Crawford (Martin Mull) comes in half naked and asks for Warner’s social security number. He accidentally flashes Camilla.

Eli, woman in bed, sneaks up early and preps to play a video game. His dad David (Peter Reigert) calls to check on his visit for Warner’s birthday party. Which is in eight months. His dad has confused Eli’s birthday with Warner’s, and also ruined Eli’s surprise party.

Eli’s girlfriend gets the heat for the surprise party.

At work, Warner laughs about inviting Eli’s father. It’s payback for Eli burping in his face years ago. They compare “bad Dads.”

Eli’s dad has arrived and promptly takes over the bedroom. And the bathroom between 3 and 4 a.m.

Warner and Eli prepare to dazzle their Chinese investors. Their Dads are also having a “business” lunch. The two muse that they’ll probably both die waiting for the other to pick up the check.

The prediction may be correct as the check arrives and both David and Crawford eye it. Crawford casually pushes it forward, while David coughs it back. The dance continues.

At their pitch meeting to the Chinese investors, Eli, Warner, and the put-upon Veronica (who has been convinced to dress like an Asian schoolgirl) push their game “Kill Hitler.” The investors like what they see. Warner notes his dad coming in and quickly shuts the door on him. The investors hear the ethnic slurs Crawford is saying and Warner whines “Daddy no!" and the investors pull out.

Eli arrives for the surprise party at Warner’s. His dad gives him his gift - a framed photo of himself. David and Eli fight and Eli tries to storm out of his party but accidentally grabs a napping kid instead of his coat.

Eli comes home from work to find David still on his couch. He mimes murdering him in creative ways while David watches television.

Warner is playing the new video game when Crawford comes to sit with him. Warner gently reminds him that they do not work together, and Crawford mentions that he is glad he and his son can get along, unlike David and Eli. Warner wants to tell him that they do not, but suddenly sees his dad as a sweet Golden Retriever. He can’t hurt his feelings.

Eli drops his dad off at the airport and drive off, elated. Later, however, he shows up at the motel where David is - he saw David in a cab and followed him. David tells him there is no home to go back to. The bank has taken his house. He was hoping to stay with Eli, but after they started arguing, he figured the motel was the best way to go.

Eli admits he sometimes feels like David is rooting for him to fail. David thinks he is the one who has failed. Eli finds himself offering to help him despite himself.

Veronica tells the boys she has fixed the deal with the Chinese after the translator texted her a picture of his tiny penis and she threatened to put it online.