Cute Meets Crunk: Watch Two Kittens Dance to 'Turn Down for What'

Cute Meets Crunk: Watch Two Kittens Dance to 'Turn Down for What' There's a formula to Internet fame. When you make the proper combination of hot girls, cute kittens, memes, pop culture references, and Benedict Cumberbatch, you're bound to go viral.

Take this video for instance: "Kitten Jam" combines two adorable kittens with the mega-popular "Turn Down for What," a song that has a chorus that has become an anthem of sorts for those who want to party all night. Think of it as the new YOLO.

When these two Internet-friendly combine, you get this video, which has already gained more than a million views in just over a week.

The two kittens in the video, Tulip and Daisy, jam to "Turn Down for What" in the most adorable way. And in case you feel bad about wasting your time watching yet another cute cat video on YouTube, here's a fact: Tulip and Daisy are up for adoption and are currently living with the Animal Welfare League of Arlington in Virginia.

We're guessing that, after this, Tulip and Daisy will be finding new homes very soon. Who wouldn't want a kitten who loves Lil' Jon?

Check out the video below: