Crystal Harris Apologizes to Hef, Makes Excuses for Howard Stern interview

Crystal Harris Apologizes to Hef, Makes Excuses for Howard Stern interview Turns out “Runaway Bride” Crystal Harris wasn’t telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The former playboy Playmate, who walked away from Hugh Hefner just days before their scheduled marriage, apologized for saying some pretty harsh things on “The Howard Stern Show” this week.

As we reported on Wednesday, Harris told Stern the sex only lasted "two seconds" before she just "walked away," and mentioned that she "never saw Hef naked."

"I'm not turned on by Hef, sorry," said Harris.

This of course brought on a reserved but clearly disappointed response from Hef, who said via Twitter:

"@TeamHef I feel sorry for Crystal. She seems lost."

"@hey_aaron Crystal convinced me that she adored me. That was the first lie."

In the end, though, Hef decided to take the classy route:

"I'm happy to be in a better place with new girlfriends Anna Sophia Berglund & Shera Bechard."

Since the response from Hef, and a serious backlash from fans, Harris decided to recant her statements, blaming Howard Stern for prodding her to say things she didn’t mean.

"The Stern interview scared me, he's harsh," said Harris.

"I was unprepared and blurted out things I shouldn't have said, I'm sorry."

Not surprisingly, the seemingly-always-level-headed Hefner accepted the almost-apology.

“Crystal apologized for her Howard Stern interview, which I appreciated. It didn't have much to do with reality,” Hefner said via Twitter.

"I think Crystal told Howard Stern what he wanted to hear," said Hef.

He then deflected any blame from Stern.

"I don't blame Howard. Crystal shouldn't have been booked on the show at this sensitive time."

So will Crystal Harris’ scheduler get thrown under the bus? Will Harris and Hef ever truly make amends? To be honest, this all seems pretty well manufactured, but if so, it’s been extremely well orchestrated, and most of it has happened on a simple little communication tool called Twitter.

Ain’t technology grand?

Speaking of which, watch Crystal Harris' skeevy Howard Stern Interview here: