'Cougar Town' Looking for a Name Change

'Cougar Town' Looking for a Name Change I was as surprised as anyone else to learn that "Cougar Town," the ABC show/punchline starring Courteney Cox is a very, very funny show. I first suspected it when I learned Bill Lawrence, creator of the great "Scrubs," created it, but no, I still couldn't bring myself to accept it.

Then my Twitter stream positively exploded with people saying how hard they laughed during the recent season two finale. Now my mission has become to watch the show, but not tell anybody about it, because yes, I too do not want it known that I'm watching a show called "Cougar Town."

And now I might be spared even even that indignity. After much speculation/mockery, Bill Lawrence tweeted on Friday that enough is enough (and that the show needs a broader audience) - the title will be changed.

"Screw it. I'm changing it (if Kevin's cool w[ith] it. Someone ask him for me). Serious, we just decided. Will use fans to help w[ith] new title."

His Twitter feed over the weekend has been assaulted with title suggestions, which run the gamut from "The Cul-de-Sac Crew" to "Friends with Beverages."

"To answer many of you," Lawrence later wrote, "[Co-creator] Kevin [Biegel] and I titled the show. It helped sell it, plus we thought we'd do a campy show about woman [sic] re-entering the world."

"Now Cougar Town is a show about adult friendships and drinking. And it's called Cougar Town. I hate myself."

Although the show is about adult women, they're apparently not really cougars at all, and the show's focus is more on their friendship and less so any sort of sexual prowl. They've even mocked the title throughout season two by tacking on taglines to their title card that read things like "It's Okay to Watch a Show Called Cougar Town" and "New Year's Resolution: Embrace our stupid title and lose six pounds."

So whether you're an avid viewer, a curious passer-by, or an active hater of the show, head over to Bill Lawrence's Twitter stream and inundate him with titles. I'm sure he's not getting it from all sides already.