Will 'The Conners' Survive without Roseanne?

Will 'The Conners' Survive without Roseanne?

It's not at all a given that the spin-off of the cancelled Roseanne, The Conners, will actually be funny. One reviewers has had a look at the new series, and his reaction is not promising. Read on for details.

Via Deadline.“

Pierce Brosnan is a much better singer than he gets credit for,” proclaims Michael Fishman’s DJ Conner while listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack in one of the closest to genuinely funny lines of the Roseanne spinoff set to premiere on October 16 on ABC.

Rising out of the racist tweets from Roseanne Barr herself and the subsequent crash, burn and cancellation of the President Trump praised blockbuster sitcom revival by the Disney-owned network, the much anticipated The Conners is fundamentally just another multi-cam, if you know what I mean?

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From the two episodes that I’ve seen, the adequate offering with solid core performances from Fishman, John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, and Lecy Goranson is packed with jokes and one-liners you can see coming long before they land and full of scenarios you’ve seen a million times before on the small screen.

Bleached of the Donald Trump associations and politics that made the March 27 Roseanne return debut crackle with confrontational relevance, the Gilbert, Tom Werner, Tony Hernandez, Bruce Helford, Bruce Rasmussen and Dave Caplan executive produced Conners distinctly doesn’t seem to want to cause any waves for itself or the network – and that’s the biggest problem.

Like Two and a Half Men without Charlie Sheen or The Who without madman drummer Keith Moon, what The Conners noticably lacks most of all is a bit of the crazy. Without the rightly so disgraced Barr providing that frenzied tension that orbits everything she’s ever done, the spinoff stays pretty much in the middle of the road. Which, let’s be brutally honest, is a pretty dangerous place to be if controversy is the currency of the media landscape in 2018.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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