Completely Inappropriate: Carson Daly Gets Asked Weirdest Question Ever About Christina Aguilera

Completely Inappropriate: Carson Daly Gets Asked Weirdest Question Ever About Christina Aguilera Poor Carson Daly.

Some serious weirdness ensued when Vanity Fair reporter George Wayne interviewed the “Voice” host.

If anyone recalls or cares, Daly dated Christina Aguilera back when the platinum blonde singer was still wide-eyed and crooning about genies. So it came as kind of a surprise when Wayne brought up the relationship.

What is worse, however, was the question.

“Lets cut to the chase,” Wayne began. “Do you think Christina Aguilera squirts when she has an orgasm?”

Whoa whoa whoa. There’s a completely unnecessary image that will now haunt us at night.

Carson was, understandably floored by the question, and responded, “Are you kidding me? Is that your opener? I have no idea. I can’t imagine the thought.  I mean, really.”

Wayne changed his tactic a little, and Daly responded with a surprising amount of diplomacy for someone who probably couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

Wayne continued, “I mean clearly—just look at the outfits she chooses to wear onstage. Tell that girl to put some clothes on! I believe that is a rational question to ask you. I know it is a bit off-piste.”

Daly responded, “Yes, it is. I will say she does have a lot of people on her team, a whole entourage to help her, and she knows what she is doing. Oh, boy, I love you. You are the best. You are so great—just the best. Despite your asinine question about Christina, it’s still a pleasure to be here with you.”

A question like that would be more appropriate for a Penthouse interview than Vanity Fair, and Christina Aguilera’s physical bedroom tendencies have absolutely no correlation with her outfits of choice, so Wayne’s defense of his inappropriateness is weak.

Frankly, asinine is putting it lightly.