'Community': See 3 Awesome Fan Art Cast Portraits (Including 'Community' X-Men)

'Community': See 3 Awesome Fan Art Cast Portraits (Including 'Community' X-Men) There isn't a lot to be happy about when a great show like "Community" is left off the schedule and in danger of being cancelled. But every cloud has a silver lining, as they say, and in this case that silver lining is the creativity of the rabid "Community" fan base.

An outpouring of creativity from fans followed the omission of "Community" from NBC's midseason schedule, including flash mobs and viral campaigns involving felt goatees. But some of the most fun creative efforts have come from fan art in the form of cast portraits.

For your perusal, three of the best cast portraits from fans: one of them a portrait from the first paintball episode, "Modern Warfare," the second a play on the "darkest timeline" joke from "Remedial Chaos Theory" that paints the characters as Batman villains, and the third a re-imagining of the cast as characters from "X-Men," complete with Jim Rash's Dean Pelton as Emma Frost. Try getting that image out of your head.

Check out all three awesome pieces of fan art, from Deviantart users steevinlove and Kinjamin and comic artist Aviv Or, respectively: