'Community' Season 3, Episode 7 Recap - 'Studies in Modern Movement'

'Community' Season 3, Episode 7 Recap - 'Studies in Modern Movement' If "Studies in Modern Movement" cleared anything up, it's that the true timeline in "Remedial Chaos Theory" was the one in which Jeff was sent to get the pizza (what are we calling it? Prime?), as that was the one in which Troy and Abed invited Annie to move in with them.

Last night's episode saw the execution of that plan, complete with all the complications one would expect from moving in with Troy and Abed. Namely, they converted the second bedroom into an "imaginarium" (like a holodeck without any holographic capabilities) and set Annie up in the living room in a blanket fort.

Annie tries to go "loosey goosey" with this plan, as Britta told her to, but eventually she decides to move out. That is, until she comes back and Troy and Abed have moved all of her stuff into their room. Hey, she couldn't have seriously watched that adorable shadow puppet show and still not wanted to move in, could she?

Jeff, meanwhile, continues to prove himself to be a bit of a dick, as he feigns illness (extremely well, with the help of the staff at the Gap) to avoid having to help Annie move. But when he runs into Dean Pelton at the mall, he finds himself in a tough spot: Pelton follows everyone on Twitter and knows about the move, which means he can blackmail Jeff into spending the day with him. That involves a mexican lunch with a serenade and the two of them singing a karaoke "Kiss From a Rose" in matching outfits.

A fun side note, speaking of Twitter: "Community" has gotten meta enough that they have started doing "Twittersodes." Did you notice how Troy and Abed were tweeting all the time and wearing #AnniesMove t-shirts? Well, their official character Twitter accounts were tweeting pics like this one throughout the show. Neat, huh?

The theme of the season continued: the group finds new dynamics, they clash, they find common ground, usually without Jeff present. And with that sequence of Jeff and Pelton singing in front of a green screen, there was still plenty of weirdness to go around. The good kind.

Other notes:

-"When you become roommates with friends, the things you love about them become the things that make you want to smother them with a pillow for."

-"It's Saturday, call me Craig." So Dean Pelton's name is Craig, who knew? Also, good to know that he still has plenty of name-related puns for his first name as well: "I'm just a Craigular Joe."

-Pierce ruining the apartment, a nice opportunity for Chevy Chase to do the physical comedy that he does best. Wish we'd had more time for it.

-"I picked the wrong week to quit."

-"This is all gay code."

-I really, really hope the Imaginarium comes back in a later episode and plays a larger role. I have a feeling it'll at least be in one of the Troy & Abed tags going forward.

Troy & Abed Tag: More shadow puppets. Jeff cries.