'Community' Season 3, Episode 5 Recap - 'Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps'

'Community' Season 3, Episode 5 Recap - 'Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps' It's hard to top last year's "Community" Halloween episode ("Epidemiology"), which saw a zombie outbreak at Greendale, Troy becoming a hero, and one of theĀ funniest, oddest moments in the show's short history. So it's understandable that "Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps" didn't quite match that brilliance.

But that's not to say there wasn't a lot to like about last night's ep. It was a clever way of allowing us inside the heads of each member of the group (minus Jeff maybe) to see exactly what they think of each other, which is especially important considering the dangerous group dynamics that we've seen so far this season. These guys are on thin ice with each other.

Remember those psych evaluations that Britta had everyone fill out during the tag a few weeks ago? Those weren't just for a penis joke: Britta got the results back this episode, and found that one of the questionnaires reveals the subject to have an extreme personality ("like a Dorito?") and possibly be a homicidal maniac.

So Britta's idea is to have an impromptu Halloween pre-party and have everyone tell a story in order to determine whether they're psychotic or not. Everyone responds in turn, and we learn a few things:

-Britta sucks at telling stories

-Abed would probably be the one to live through a horror movie

-Pierce is even creepier and more racist than we thought

-Troy is... well, Troy

-Annie still has feelings for Jeff and thinks Britta is kind of a slut

-Shirley still looks down on everyone

Sounds like everyone's pretty much crazy, right? Well, as it turns out, they are: Britta put all of the questionnaires through the scantron upside-down (she "Britta'd it"), and when she put them through the right way, only one of them came out with a diagnosis of sanity.

A wonderful reveal caps it off, as we find out that the only sane person in the group is Abed. Beautiful.

Notes and other awesome things:

-"I'm comforted by your shiny hair and facial symmetry"

-"I love y--" "Shh!"

-"Wait! Teach me to read"

-So many special effects this episode, between Annie's werewolf transformation and Troy and Abed's telekinetic powers

-I love how everyone's story was told in their own voice, so to speak. The radio announcer spoke like Britta, and Jeff's exclamation of "That's my kind of pot bong!" was quintessentially Shirley.

-Britta reading "Warren Piece" in her own story. Beautiful. That implies that she wants to be the kind of person who has read "War and Peace," but is so far removed from being that person that she doesn't even know what words are in the title

-Abed and Troy wearing Inspector Spacetime costumes. Inspector Spacetime rules!