'Community' Season 3, Episode 18 Recap - 'Course Listing Unavailable'

'Community' Season 3, Episode 18 Recap - 'Course Listing Unavailable' At first glance, there isn't much to this episode; it seems to be just a setup for the epic Chang-ness that's about to hit us next week, one that's over before you know it, and without too much of an arc. But there's another layer to this episode that both explains the odd structure and makes it that much more awesome: as the group deals with the loss of Starburns (and more importantly their education), they actually go through the five stages of grief.


This one is stated outright by Britta, as the group just can't seem to be that sad about the death of Starburns. Britta wants to try to take this time to put her psychology skills to use, but then again, when doesn't she?

While they're dealing with that, the Dean deals with Chang, who is asking for expanded power in his security duties, including the use of riot gear and pepper spray. For now, the Dean declines. He also learns that Dr. King resigned, which means everyone in his Biology class will get an "incomplete" on the course and will have to take summer classes.


It is that news that really starts them grieving, and at the memorial service for Starburns, Jeff gets the ball rolling on the second stage. He takes the podium and rails against Greendale. I believe the phrase "Fallujah of higher learning" is used. Marvelous. Annie complains about the school's quality as well, and Shirley denounces the Subway. The whole thing escalates to the point of a full-on riot, at which point Chang gets his approval and comes in with his army of 12-year-olds equipped with riot gear. Terrifying.


As the group has their wounds treated, the Dean informs them that the school board is furious. But Jeff strikes a deal with the Dean, offering up the idea that they could just pin the whole thing on Chang. After all, who likes Chang?

As it turns out, the school board does, because Chang has sufficiently buttered them up. The gang, now referred to as the "Greendale 7," is expelled from the school.

Depression, then Acceptance:

The gang drinks in Troy and Abed's apartment, lamenting their fate, but Abed is the one to offer the bright side this time. He gives us a fan-friendly callback to "Remedial Chaos Theory" and wonders whether this is, in fact, the darkest timeline (nope, still the one with the goatees). But he notes that everyone is still together, and that's what counts. Troy even tells Britta (who is facing down her pizza guy!) that she's not the worst.

Not the best episode we've seen lately, despite the clever Kübler-Ross layer, but one that serves to set up the action to come. Expect epic Chang.

Fun fact: Dino Stamatopoulos, who plays Starburns and also writes for the show, requested that his character be killed off so that he could focus more on his writing duties.

Notes & Quotes:

- "How one-armed was he? Tell me when to stop."

- Jim Rash's "Come On I'm Dean" deserves an Emmy in some category or another. I dunno, make one up. Good god.

- "I guess someone should sing 'Ave Maria,' I guess I can do it, whatever."


- Starburns' video was spectacular.