'Community' Season 3, Episode 11 Recap - 'Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts'

'Community' Season 3, Episode 11 Recap - 'Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts' It's back! It's back. My favorite thing in the world is back. Seriously guys, food and breathing are still second to "Community" in terms of things that are important to me, so to have the show back on the air is a good feeling.

The big return episode did not disappoint, as I wrote down so many of the awesome quotes from the episode that I could probably skip the recap and just go straight to that. But here it is anyway:

Hot & Brown's is closed, leaving an area of the cafeteria open for a new business to step in. Shirley has her ideas for a sandwich shop, and Pierce has a new ambition to start a business after the passing of his father, so the two decide to team up and pitch a plan to the Dean.

But before that happens, Andre bursts in to the cafeteria, complete with Boyz II Men backup singers, and re-proposes to Shirley. Soon Shirley finds herself juggling planning her wedding (which is being held in the study room of course) and planning her business, so she passes of the planning to Britta, who is already opining about the sham that weddings are (of course).

Joining her in that sentiment is Jeff, who has to give the toast at the wedding. This, combined with alcohol, leads to a complete mutual breakdown between Britta and Jeff as they rant against marriage and almost end up getting married themselves in the most Jeff & Britta way possible.

Luckily, Shirley and Andre swoop in and salvage things, and patch up their own rough spots as well.

Cute as that all was, though, the cute award of the week goes to Troy and Abed, who got out all their weirdness in one crazy weird-off in the Imaginarium so that they could be normal for the wedding. Of course, them being normal is totally weird, but luckily Troy gets a little inspiration from Annie's Boobs (the monkey, not the actual boobs) and the two have a little Inspector Spacetime reunion.

No homage necessary this week (and probably a good idea considering there might be new viewers after all the press), but we still got just enough weird with the fun visual gags, like Jeff's heart slot, which was BRILLIANT.

Good to have you back, Greendale. We missed you. Yes, even you, Chang.

Notes & Quotes:

- "We'll try not to embarrass you at your Community college library wedding."

- "Will somebody please call all the ambulances?"

- Shirley's laughter/stare cuts. Awesome.

- Annie's squeaks. Awesome and adorable.

- Jeff's heart slots included Annie's boobs (the actual boobs, not the monkey) more than once, and Annie a bunch of times. Also cars, large houses, and whiskey. Britta sighting? Somebody go through frame-by-frame please and tell me what else you found.

- "I come from a long line of wives and mothers"

- "That's the Jim Belushi of speech openings, it accomplishes nothing and everyone keeps using it but nobody knows why." BRILLIANT.

- (whispering) "THIS IS WHO I AM"

- Ohhhhh, so that's Shirley's sexy voice!

And now, quite possibly the most self-referential quote on this show (and that's saying something):

- "There are a lot of layers to this." "It's almost too conceptual to follow, but... I love it."